Popular programming language Python
Python programming language ranks among the world’s top programming languages. It is a popular program among non-developers and developers.
In fact, programmers use it in everything from software testing to machine learning. It’s a general-purpose language that’s programmers can use in several applications like automation, web and software development, and data science.

Let’s take a look at this unique programming language, what it is, and how you can learn it.
What is Python?
Even though it began as a unique hobby project known as Monty Python, Python is currently one of the world’s most widely used and popular programming languages. It’s a high-level and object-oriented programming language.
Unlike some programs, it is easy to understand and built in a way that makes it intuitive to understand and learn. Therefore, it’s ideal for programmers who need rapid development.
Learn Python
Anyone can learn Python and advance their programming careers. It is quite popular right now and used by several top organizations, but why should you learn it? Other than versatility and ease of usage, there are several unique reasons why you need to learn Python:
- Currently, python developers are in demand. Learning this language gives you a great skill that you can use to change your career.
- You can end up with a well-paying job as a Python developer.
- There are lots of job opportunities for python programmers in emerging technologies. These include machine learning, AI, and data analytics.
You can start with DataCamp’s free tutorials. The intro to Python course features interactive coding challenges and video tutorials from the instructors.
The History of Python
Guido Van Rossum designed it in 1991 to emphasize code readability. In fact, its syntax lets developers express their concepts using fewer code lines.
After designing it, Python Software Foundation developed it, but it can trace its roots to the late 1980s.
Rossum started working on this project at the CWI (Centum Wiskunde and Informatica) in the Netherlands in 1989. It began as a hobby to keep him busy at Christmas. Python succeeded the ABC Programming Language. Rossum helped create the ABC Language but didn’t like some of its features.
Therefore, he took ABC’s syntax and its great features. He then repaired these issues and developed a great scripting language without all the flaws of the ABC Programming Language. Rossum named it Python and then launched it in 1991.
When Rossum launched it, Python used fewer codes to express its concepts.
What is Python used for?
Python is an in-demand and popular skill that’s used in several fields. Some of its uses include:
- Machine learning and AI: It’s a simple, flexible, and stable language, that’s perfect for AI and Machine Learning projects. Therefore, it’s popular among data scientists.
- Data analytics: Like machine learning and AI, data analytics uses Python programming to pick up patterns.
- Programming applications: You can create several apps, APIs, and GUIs using Python.
- Data visualization: Python can be used to develop an interactive plot or simple graphical representation. You’re likely to find something in its library to match your needs.
Companies That Use Python
Python is used in a wide range of industries for the above functions. In fact, several top firms use it to power their services. Some of these companies that use python include Google, NASA, Spotify, and Netflix.
Python Developer
As a Python developer, you’ll belong to the software team that’s proficient in delivering, designing, and creating computer applications. You’ll be responsible for correcting and locating errors in several projects. These programmers work in a wide range of tasks, including:
- Scraping the internet
- Data examination
- Automation development services
- Scripting design
- Web development
But before you become a python developer, you need a degree in Information Management systems and computer science, among others. You’ll learn a wide range of programs, including CSS, HTML, Django, and Python programming language.